Cochlear Implant under NPPCD Program (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram)
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram is a new initiative aiming at early identification and intervention for the children from birth to 18 years to cover the defects at birth , deficiencies , diseases , developmental delays including disability . Cochlear Implant scheme of National Health Mission , Health and Family Welfare department , Karnataka was implemented through RBSK and Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust (SAST). The treatment consists of cochlear implantation and one year of rehabilitation.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Beneficiaries referred from district cochlear committee, following verification of all the documents and complete physical examination of the beneficiary.
2. Should be between the age group of 8 months to 6 years.
3. Child with severe to profound hearing impairment (congenitally deaf child).
4. Should be a native of Karnataka.
5. Child between 08 months to less than 06 years with bilateral Severe to Profound Hearing loss.
6. Children with active middle -ear infection should be considered for cochlear implantation only after middle - ear pathology is resolved.
7. Anatomical contra indications:
a) Absent cochlea/ Cochlear nerve.
b) Complete cochlear ossification.
8. Proof of having used conventional hearing aids and undergone AVT therapy for at least 03 months (attended 30 sessions) to the children aged between 8 months to 2 years, 02 months (attended 20 sessions) to the children aged between 2 years to 4 years and four month (attended 10 sessions) to the children aged between 4 years to 6 years with little or no benefit from the same.
9. No medical contraindication for surgery or implantation.
10. Should be free from developmental delays (except delay due to hearing impairment).
11. Child with minor Oro facial defect and autism can be considered after evaluation and approval by core committee.
12. Should not be having retro cochlear pathology.
13. In the radiological candidacy for Cochlear Implantation, all patients with normal Cochlear and labyrinth and cochlear nerve will be approved. However, some cochlear anomalies may be considered for implantation on a case-by-case basis subject to consideration and approval by the State Cochlear Implant Committee.
14. Vaccination against H-Influenza-B and Pneumococcus Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) for the beneficiary should be given 3 weeks prior to planned surgery date, anywhere in the routine immunization sessions.
15. Motivated parents to attend auditory verbal rehabilitation for a duration of one year.
16. Child should not suffer from Mental Retardation/ Development delay (except delay due to hearing impairment).
Child shall be assessed by clinical psychologist in case of suspected abnormal psychological behavior.
17. Child shall be assessed by clinical psychologist in case of suspected abnormal psychological behavior.